There are many reasons why you should join us. With live entertainments and two fully licensed bars, you can be sure to have a memorable time!
Live sport is provided by BT Sport and Sky Sports on TV's as well as our large projection screen!
Strictly NO Under 18's

As from 1st December 2023
• A limit of 10 new members per month will be permitted and this will be on a first come first served basis. Any members over the initial 10 will be placed on a waiting list for the next month
• Each prospective new member will be allocated a 10-minute slot for an interview the Monday before the committee meeting
• The prospective new member will be interviewed by a panel of committee members with their proposer in attendance
• If the prospective new member cannot attend the allocated date/time slot other arrangements can be made my mutual consent
• The committee reserves the right to impose a 3-month probation period on all new members during which the conduct of the new member will be under review
• The committee will remind all new member that all members of the club should exhibit conservative values and should consider joining the Conservative Party
• All application forms must be correctly completed with two proposers and the correct deposit or it will be rejected.
A one off joining fee of £20, to be paid in full if over retirement age or under 21 at time of joining
£10 if under 21 or over 65 at the time of renewal which is payable 1st Jan every year.
£25 full member
If you need an affiliation card, please inform the club secretary a fee of £4.00 is required